The Power of Print
Print is a powerful medium — and its power is multiplied when used as part of a multi-channel campaign. Print enhances the impact of television, telemarketing and the internet by providing an extra dimension… one that’s warm, inviting and highly personalizable. Use it to reinforce your brand’s message, introduce new products or services and drive traffic to your website.
From printed ads in magazines and newspapers to postcards, direct mail packages, catalogs, door hangers, newsletters, billboards and more, print is an effective way to increase sales.

- Print Gets Read:
80% of households either read or scan advertising mail sent to their household. [1] - Print Gets Response:
2.24% direct order response rate for printed catalogs, compared with just 0.48% from emails. [2] - Print Influences Decisions:
76% of customers have been directly influenced to purchase by direct mail. [3] - Print Drives New Business:
70% of customers made a purchase because of a direct mail promotion. [4] - Print Leads To Repeat Business:
70% of customers renewed a business relationship because of a direct mail promotion. [5] - Print Increases Online Search:
67% of online search is driven by offline messages; 39% ultimately make a purchase. [6] - Print Increases Online Sales:
76% of users surveyed purchased an item or service thanks to a direct mail piece. [7]
[1] United States Postal Service (2007). Household Diary Study.
[2] DMA Response Rate Report (2008).
[3] 2009 Channel Preference Study.
[4] 2008 DMA /Pitney Bowes Direct Mail Survey.
[5] Ibid.
[6] iProspect Offline Channel Influence on Online Search Behavior Study (2007).
[7] Exact Target, 2009 Channel Preference Study