Direct Mail Delivers
Direct mail is proven, time and time again, to be the best method of getting your marketing message read and the response success you are looking for. Direct Mail Delivers!
Direct mail is hands down the best response motivator. Getting your message printed right, dropped at the USPS distribution center on time and delivered directly to your target audience is what you should expect and demand from your marketing services provider. So, when you launch your next direct marketing campaign, why not print and mail it with the same provider. Shorten your production time and mailing schedules by producing everything all under one convenient roof. Let CROWN CONNECT do it all and we can take the risk out of your next mailing. We know and understand all of the current USPS regulations and rules, so you don't have to.
Mailing mistakes can be pricey: heading off potential mailing problems before they occur is priceless! Because our digital presses can personalize each individual piece, we can address your postcard or direct mail piece as it’s being printed, which can mean faster turnaround. And, because we can print and address on press rather than using standard inkjet addressing equipment or labels, the barcode and address line can be printed in colors or a unique font to complement your design or company logo. Personalized MAIL DELIVERS the best results!
Database Management
Everything is about the list! A clean, high quality list means you reach your intended audience and can stretch your budget with less undeliverable mail.
We know how to make sure your list is accurate and in compliance with postal regulations so you will get the best postal discount and lowest postage rates. We are able to combine lists, add additional data to your list, and make sure your list is tailored to your specific demographics.
Database Services Include:
- List Compilation
- List Merge and Dupe Detection
- Address Updating
- Data Enhancement
- Post Presort, Zip + 4
- Custom Programming
- Expertise that takes the stress and risk out of mailing